Easy Ocean Themed Tot School Unit: Part 1

This easy ocean themed tot school unit includes tons of free printables, sensory play, fine motor activities and games. Help your kids have fun this summer as they learn all about ocean life at www.NuggetandGoose.com!

This Ocean Themed Tot School Unit includes a fun water bead sensory bin, free printable lacing cards, beach themed nomenclature cards for baby and more free printables! perfect for any summer, beach, or ocean themed tot school unit! Visit www.NuggetandGoose.com to learn more!
Summer is a great time to take a vacation to the beach, but if it’s too far away you can bring the beach inside with this fun ocean themed tot school unit! I have created so many printables and activities that I had to divide it into three posts! So check back throughout the week as I continue to share all the ocean themed fun we have been having!

Baby Nomenclature Cards


These balsa wood nomenclature cards are an easy way to build vocabulary for your littlest tot, perfect for early tot school. Learn how I made them by visiting www.NuggetandGoose.com

As a Montessori Mama I am a HUGE fan of nomenclature cards. What are nomenclature cards, you ask? Simple, they are cards that feature a vocabulary word and image (think flashcards for vocabulary building). In the Montessori tradition they are frequently used as ‘Three-Part Cards’. There is a complete card with both the image and title, as well as a second divided card with an image on one portion and the title on a separate portion. It really isn’t as confusing as it sounds 🙂

As children begin to read they can use 3-part cards to match the title to the image. For now, my boys just use nomenclature cards which allow them to build vocabulary. (If you’re interested in learning more, click here) For months Nugget has been trying desperately to get his hands on Goose’s laminated nomenclature cards for each unit I introduce. Unfortunately his little motor skills just aren’t quite ready to handle the laminated cards without bending (and often chewing!) them to pieces.

This is why I decided it was time to find a way to create his own set of nomenclature cards that would be virtually indestructible.

Easy Balsa Wood Nomenclature Cards are Almost Indestructible! Perfect for an ocean or beach themed tot school unit.

How To:

  • First, gather your supplies. You will need
    • Mod Podge
    • Acrylic Paint (I used white)
    • A set of Images for your cards – download mine here
    • Thin pieces of Balsa Wood
  • Begin by printing and cutting out your nomenclature card images.
  • Using your paper images as a guide, mark how large you wish for your wooden pieces to be. Mine are 2.5″ x 3.75″.
  • Cut your wood strips into the desired size and thoroughly sand the edges. You don’t want to leave any splinters that could find their way into tiny fingers!
  • Use your acrylic paint to apply a background color to both sides of your wood card.
  • Once the paint has dried fully use Mod Podge to adhere your paper nomenclature cards. I applied 6 coats to the front and 2 coats to the back of my cards to ensure a smooth, shiny finish.

Nugget was so excited when I introduced his very own nomenclature cards! He’s at the age where he wants to do everything that big brother does. First we sat together and went through each card as I read the titles to him. Then, I brought out a basket containing Munchkin Ocean Squirts bath toys. He quickly figured out how to lay out the cards and match the bath toy to the corresponding card. It was so much fun! When he proudly said “Sark!” it just warmed my heart!

Lacing Cards

Free printable download - ocean themed tot school lacing cards featuring a fish and submarine. Get these and more at www.NuggetandGoose.com!

Lacing cards are such a fun way to develop fine motor skills, so I knew I just had to include them in my Ocean themed tot school unit! All you have to do is print, cut them out (this can be great cutting practice for an older sibling – and can save you time, too!), and punch the holes.

Personally, I prefer to laminate my cards so they last through more than one use. If you are looking for a laminator this Purple Cows Hot and Cold Laminator is very affordable and has worked perfectly for more than a year.

Some easy extension activities can include asking your child to lace every other hole, or even do a blanket stitch. There’s no reason that a material you took the time to make has to be used only one way.

Water Bead Sensory Bin

Water beads are the perfect medium for ocean themed sensory play! Learn more at www.NuggetandGoose.com

If you visit my blog very often you already know how much I adore water beads. The slimy, squishy texture is shockingly addicting and my little ones are over the moon excited when I get them out. I ordered these from Amazon and the tiny package has lasted several months. The beads expand to nearly 200 times their original size, so it doesn’t take many to fill a sensory bin. I usually prepare them the night before – pour a tablespoon or two in a bin full of water and by morning they are ready for play!

Note: Always supervise the use of water beads in your home. Although they are non-toxic they can still be hazardous if swallowed due to their exponential growth. Always store your water beads away from children and pets, and contact your doctor or vet if you believe they may have been ingested.

Free Printables!

These FREE Ocean Themed Tot School Printables include lacing cards, whale anatomy, pre-writing practice, size sorting, ocean zones and so much more! Visit www.Nuggetandgoose.com to get yours!

OK, you’ve been patient – and you will be so well rewarded. I got completely carried away designing printables for my Ocean themed tot school unit. There are the lacing cards I showed you above, size sorting games, animal activity cards, even a pretty ocean quote to decorate your tot school space! To get all this and more sign up below and you’ll receive your exclusive access code for my Digital Resource Library!

Check back Wednesday to see more of our Ocean Tot School Activities!










